Kettlebell Training
Recommended Reading
Bullock, G. S., Schmitt, A. C., Shutt, J. M., Cook, G., & Butler, R. J. (2017). Kinematic and kinetic variables differ between kettlebell swing style. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 12(3), 324.
DiLuglio, A. (2006) Enter the kettlebell: the workbook East Providence, RI: Punch Inc [full text]
Falatic, J. A., Plato, P. A., Holder, C., Finch, D., Han, K., & Cisar, C. J. (2015). Effects of kettlebell training on aerobic capacity. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 29(7), 1943-1947.
Farrar, R. E., Mayhew, J. L., & Koch, A. J. (2010). Oxygen cost of kettlebell swings. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 24(4), 1034-1036. [full text]
Lake, J. P., & Lauder, M. A. (2012). Kettlebell swing training improves maximal and explosive strength. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 26(8), 2228-2233.
Lake, J. P., & Lauder, M. A. (2012). Mechanical demands of kettlebell swing exercise. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 26(12), 3209-3216.
Manocchia, P.,Spierer, D.K, Minichiello, J., Braut, S. Castro, J., Markowitz, R. (2010) Transference Of Kettlebell Training To Traditional Olympic Weight Lifting And Muscular Endurance Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research Vol. 24, 1 [abstract]
McGill, S. M., & Marshall, L. W. (2012). Kettlebell swing, snatch, and bottoms-up carry: back and hip muscle activation, motion, and low back loads. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 26(1), 16-27.
Mortora, A.J., Dalessio, M.A. and Rothwell, K.E.A. (2017) A Review of Kettlebell Research and its Implications for Exercise Programming. Res Inves Sports Med
Schnettler, C. et al (2010) Kettlebell ACEFitnessMatters, Jan/Feb 10-20 [full text]
Tsatsouline, P. (2001) The Russian Kettlebell Challenge: Xtreme fitness for hard living comrades. St Paul, MN: Dragon Door [google books]
Further Resources
Kettlebell Smart Start beginner's ebook - from
Special Report #2 from
Kettlebell Science website [click here for a link to a collection of full text journals]