Exercise and Older People
Recommended Reading
American Geriatrics Society & British Geriatrics Society (2011) Summary of the Updated American Geriatrics Society/British Geriatrics Society Clinical Practice Guideline for Prevention of Falls in Older Persons J Am Geriatr Soc Vol. 59, 148–157 [full text]
Bauman, A., Merom, D., Bull, F. C., Buchner, D. M., & Fiatarone Singh, M. A. (2016). Updating the evidence for physical activity: summative reviews of the epidemiological evidence, prevalence, and interventions to promote “active aging”. The gerontologist, 56(Suppl_2), S268-S280.
Ehrman, J., Gordon, P., Visich, P.S., Keteyianby, S. (2009) Clinical Exercise Physiology (2nd Ed). Champaign IL: Human Kinetics [google books]
Franco, M. R., Tong, A., Howard, K., Sherrington, C., Ferreira, P. H., Pinto, R. Z., & Ferreira, M. L. (2015). Older people's perspectives on participation in physical activity: a systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative literature. Br J Sports Med, 49(19), 1268-1276.
Heyward, V.H. (2010) Advanced fitness assessment and exercise prescription (6th Ed.) Champaign IL: Human Kinetics [google books]
Hobbs, N., Godfrey, A., Lara, J., Errington, L., Meyer, T. D., Rochester, L., ... & Sniehotta, F. F. (2013). Are behavioral interventions effective in increasing physical activity at 12 to 36 months in adults aged 55 to 70 years? A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC medicine, 11(1), 75.[full text]
Signorile, J.F. (2011) Bending the aging curve: The complete exercise guide for older adults. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics [google books][webinar]