Strength & Conditioning
Initial Assessment
Resistance Training Programme Design
Resistance Training Programme Design and Periodisation
Exercise Programming Templates and Resources
If you only read one article on strength training
Suchomel, T. J., Nimphius, S., Bellon, C. R., & Stone, M. H. (2018). The importance of muscular strength: Training considerations. Sports Medicine, 1-21.
Aerobic Conditioning
Chronic Adaptations to aerobic conditioning
Modes of Training
There are many different methods of overloading the musculoskeletal system and the relative usefulness of each method has been the focus of much research (Stone et al, 2000). The links below contain further information on each of the following modes of training.
Velocity-Based Training - Click here for more
Postactivation potentiation and Complex Training - Click here for more
Olympic-style Lifts - Click here for more
Squats and Deadlifts- Click here for more
Suspension Training - Click here for more
Plyometric Training - Click here for more
Ballistic Resistance Training - Click here for more
Agility and Speed Training - Click here for more
Core Stability Training - Click here for more
Circuit Training - Click here for more
Kettlebell Training - Click here for more
Implement Training - Click here for more
S&C for specific sports
History of Strength & Conditioning
Click here for more on this subject.
Fitness Instruction
Click here for more references and reading suggestions
The metabolic cost of resistance training
Click here for more
Cardinale,M., Newton,R., Nosaka,K. (2011) Strength and Conditioning: Biological Principles and Practical Applications. Oxford; Wiley-Blackwell [google books][chap 1 skeletal phys][companion website]
Ericsson, K.A.(2016). Peak: Secrets from the new science of expertise. Random House..
Jeffreys, I., & Moody, J. (Eds.). (2021). Strength and conditioning for sports performance (2nd Ed.). Routledge.
Turner, A., & Comfort, P. (Eds.). (2017). Advanced Strength and Conditioning: An Evidence-based Approach. London, UK: Routledge.
McGuigan, M. (2019). Testing and Evaluation of Strength and Power. Routledge.
Ratamess, N. (Ed) (2012) ACSMs Foundations of Strength and Conditioning Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Stone, M.H., Stone,M.E.,Sands,W.A. (2007) Principles and Practice of Resistance Training.Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics [google books]
Winkelman, N. C. (2020). The Language of Coaching: The Art and Science of Teaching Movement. Human Kinetics Publishers.
Zatsiorsky, V.M. & Kraemer, W.J. (2006) Science and Practice of Strength Training (2nd Ed). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics [google books]
Also see this page titled, "Fitness Instruction" for a more extensive list
Further Selected Reading
Cardinale,M., Newton,R., Nosaka,K. (2011) Strength and Conditioning: Biological Principles and Practical Applications. Oxford; Wiley-Blackwell [google books][chap 1 skeletal phys][companion website]
Carson, F., Leishman, B., Hinck, K., & Hoffmann, S. M. (2021). Identifying the habitual needs of novice strength and conditioning coaches. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 28, 100313.
Dargo, S. (2009) Unfolding the Practical Knowledge of an Expert Strength and Conditioning Coach International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 4(1) 17-30 [full text]
Gamble, P., Chia, L., & Allen, S. (2020). The illogic of being data-driven: reasserting control and restoring balance in our relationship with data and technology in football. Science and Medicine in Football, 1-4.
Jeffreys, I. (2015). Evidence based practice in strength and conditioning—reality or fantasy. Prof Strength Cond, 39, 7-14. [researchgate]
Jeffreys, I. (2020). Contextology–is this a new approach to effective coaching?. Professional Strength and Conditioning, 56, 25-34. [researchgate]
Jeffreys, I. (2015). Managing the ecosystem: a forgotten factor in effective S&C delivery. Professional Strength & Conditioning, 37, 27-34.
LaPlaca, D. A., & Schempp, P. G. (2020). The Characteristics Differentiating Expert and Competent Strength and Conditioning Coaches. Research quarterly for exercise and sport, 91(3), 488-499.
Maestroni, L., Read, P., Bishop, C., & Turner, A. (2019). Strength and power training in rehabilitation: underpinning principles and practical strategies to return athletes to high performance. Sports Medicine, 1-14.
Renfree, A., Casado, A., & McLaren, S. (2021). Re-thinking athlete training loads: would you rather have one big rock or lots of little rocks dropped on your foot?. Research in Sports Medicine, 1-4.
Suchomel, T. J., Nimphius, S., Bellon, C. R., & Stone, M. H. (2018). The importance of muscular strength: Training considerations. Sports Medicine, 1-21.
Szedlak, C., Callary, B., & Smith, M. J. (2019). Exploring the Influence and Practical Development of Coaches' Psychosocial Behaviors in Strength and Conditioning. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 41(2), 8-17.
Szedlak, C., Smith, M. J., Day, M. C., & Greenlees, I. A. (2015). Effective behaviours of strength and conditioning coaches as perceived by athletes. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 10(5), 967-984.
Till, K., Muir, B., Abraham, A., Piggott, D., & Tee, J. (2019). A framework for decision-making within strength and conditioning coaching. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 41(1), 14-26.
Further Links
Stronger by Science - Greg Nuckols website with great articles, videos and more - and the podcast
Tumminello, N. (n.d.) The Best Exercises for Strength and Fitness - A blog by Mladen Jovanovic - Research and comments related to athletics - Click here for a link to the S & C section of this website - Click here for a link to a page of articles on S & C. - Corrective exercise and performance enhancement
National Strength & Conditioning Association - Professional Standards and Guidelines (2009) - Official site of the James Madison University Strength & Conditioning Program. Go to the “Madison Power Exercise Videos” section to see proper technique for many exercises. - Tim Egerton's site has a bias towards S & C to improve sprinting. - a blog dedicated to Dr Mel Siff.
East Tennesse State University - Exercise videos from the current home of Meg & Mike Stone
Excelsior Sports - various links and resources.
Gayle Hatch's Olympic lift videos
College Strength Conditioning Coaches Association (CSCCa) - Lift Techniques
College Strength Conditioning Coaches Association (CSCCa) - From the field - a series of guidelines and issues. - with some great insights here as well
Lecture Series - The 2009 Coaches and Sport Science Conference at East Tennessee State University - the work of Verhoshansky and Yessis - the late Dr Verhoshansky's own site
The Strength Coach Podcast - Click here
Video Resources from the Health Performance Centre. Click here
Recommended YouTube Channels
Stronger by Science -
Rennaissance Periodization -
Human Kinetics -