Health Behaviour Change

Models for Designing Behaviour Change Interventions

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Recommended Reading: Textbooks

Barthlomew Eldredge, L. K. B., Markham, C. M., Kok, G., Ruiter, R. A., & Parcel, G. S. (2016). Planning health promotion programs: an intervention mapping approach. John Wiley & Sons.

DiClemente, R. J., Salazar, L. F., & Crosby, R. A. (2019). Health behavior theory for public health: Principles, foundations, and applications. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Glanz, K., Rimer, B. K., & Viswanath, K. (Eds.). (2015). Health behavior: Theory, research, and practice. John Wiley & Sons. [5th Ed full text]

Green, J., Cross, R., Woodall, J. and Tones, K. (2019) Health Promotion: Planning & Strategies. (4th ed.) Sage Publications Ltd.

Hagger, M. S., Cameron, L. D., Hamilton, K., Hankonen, N., & Lintunen, T. (Eds.). (2020). The handbook of behavior change. Cambridge University Press.

Nigg, C. R. (2013). ACSM's Behavioral Aspects of Physical Activity and Exercise. Lippincott

Prestwich, A., Kenworthy, J., & Conner, M. (2017). Health behavior change: Theories, methods and interventions. Routledge.

Tapper, K. (2021) Health Psychology and Behaviour Change. Macmillan Education UK. [publisher site]

Recommended Reading: Journal Articles

Byrne-Davis, L. M., Turner, R. R., Amatya, S., Ashton, C., Bull, E. R., Chater, A. M., ... & Hart, J. K. (2022). Using behavioural science in public health settings during the COVID-19 pandemic: The experience of public health practitioners and behavioural scientists. Acta psychologica, 103527.

Chevance, G., Perski, O., & Hekler, E. B. (2021). Innovative methods for observing and changing complex health behaviors: Four propositions. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 11(2), 676-685.

O’Cathain, A., Croot, L., Sworn, K., Duncan, E., Rousseau, N., Turner, K., ... & Hoddinott, P. (2019). Taxonomy of approaches to developing interventions to improve health: a systematic methods overview. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 5(1), 41.

Keyworth, C., Epton, T., Goldthorpe, J., Calam, R., & Armitage, C. J. (2020). Delivering Opportunistic Behavior Change Interventions: a Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews. Prevention Science, 1-13.

Kriznik, N. M., Kinmonth, A. L., Ling, T., & Kelly, M. P. (2018). Moving beyond individual choice in policies to reduce health inequalities: the integration of dynamic with individual explanations. Journal of Public Health, 40(4), 764-775.

Swann et al (2022) The (over)use of SMART goals for physical activity promotion: A narrative review and critique

Tengland, P. A. (2012). Behavior change or empowerment: on the ethics of health-promotion strategies. Public health ethics, 5(2), 140-153.