Generative AI in teaching & learning

AI in Higher Education: Pedagogy and practice

This page contains my developing notes on the use of AI/Chat GPT in my own practice. Broadly speaking there are opportunities and potential threats from the way students can engage with such tools and the same probably goes for a wide range of administrative tasks in Higher Education practice. 

Video explainers for students: Appropriate use of generative AI in higher education

A short guide (3 min) and a full version (27min) designed for students to watch and in support of their engagement with AI tools such as ChatGPT but with guidance on how to avoid submitting coursework that is deemed to have made inappropriate use of such AI tools.

Slideset used above: I made a shareable copy of the slides I used above and it should be downloadable at this link

An introduction to the use of AI in HE

This whole page is an introduction to the use of AI but in this section are included some of the key terms and a few introductory resources. 

A Brief Glossary

Further Introductory Resources

AI tools and apps

This section includes a list of tools and apps that allow relatively easy use of AI. 

AI/Large Language Models

Apps that use AI

Getting the most out of AI: Tasks, prompts & ideas for teaching and learning

Tasks/Prompts for students

Tasks/Prompts for Tutors

More on prompts and use of AI in academia

Ideas for using AI in teaching and learning

Digital Literacies and Gen AI

Academic Malpractice and AI

ChatGPT and other Large Language Models (LLMs) can be used to create original written content that students may use in their assessments.

The output created by these tools is potentially coherent enough for it not to be detected by academic staff members, or traditional text-matching software used to detect plagiarism BUT the use of these tools may not necessarily be considered plagiarism if students use them for specific aspects of their studies and possibly are transparent in how they have been used in any submission. There could however be potential for a breach of academic integrity policies and the line between acceptable use and a transgression is one that needs exploration and discussion. 

Key Points

Signs a student’s essay might have been written using AI

Adapted from:

Further Reading & Resources: Academic Integrity

Considering AI in module assessments

Watch a seminar

How do you design assessments now that students can use ChatGPT? What does ‘innovative authentic assessment’ even mean? Do I have to re-write all my modules? This online webinar looked to unearth the true meaning of authentic assessment and give attendees real life examples of assessment design that account for ChatGPT but still offer an accurate way to assess what a student has learned. Speakers included: Jan McArthur, Lancaster University; Matthew Glanville, The International Baccalaureate; Dr Thomas Lancaster, Imperial College London and Chair of QAA’s Academic Integrity Advisory Group; and George Bryant-Aird, Edge Hill University. The video below is hosted alongside other related content at  

Watch the seminar 

Ideas for adapting assessments

Further Reading: Assessments and AI

AI and Research

AI and Assessment/Grading of Coursework

Additional Reading and Insight for Staff