New posts in S&C History

Post date: 23-Jan-2012 12:39:58

In the S&C section of this website there is a page on the History of S&C and I have just added to the page with the following links..

Milo of Crotona – (6th Century BC)

First recorded example of progressive resistance training when he lifted a calf every day for four years.


Dr Dudley Sargent – (1849-1924)

Pioneer of fitness testing.


Louis Cyr - (1863-1912)

4337lb back lift and a horse pull from the canadian strongman.

[wikipedia] []

Louis Uni (1862-1928)

The Great Apollon, a French circus strongman that regularly used wide grip bars and gives his name to the Apollon Axle.

George Hackenschmidt (1877-1968)

The Russian Lion, a strongman and wrestler that gave his name to the Hack Squat

[wikipedia] []

Henry “Milo” Steinbourn (1894-1989)

Devised the prototype for modern revolving olympic bars.


Thomas Inch (1881-1963)

“Britains strongest youth” and gave his name to the Thomas Inch Replica Dumbell.


Bob Hoffman (1898-1985)

Formed the York Barbell Company and published many books.
